To Whom it May Concern,
[I appeal the claim determination] denying unemployment benefits due to quitting without reasonable cause or for a discharge following misconduct.
My dismissing reason was that I left my job because of personal reasons and not enough work hours in one week which is against company policy as it can be considered an unfair advantage when applying elsewhere later down the road regarding hiring practices.
Still, there were other factors involved, such as financial struggles brought on by recent natural disasters impacting our area’s economy [Hurricane Harvey] where you live/work—and how much money someone makes vs spends isn’t necessarily associated only with their choices/lifestyle but can also reflect impacts of things out of their control, so I couldn’t just continue to “tighten my belt” and be expected to maintain the same quality of living while working fewer hours and making less money.
I understand that company policy is important, but my situation was unique and warranted an exception to the rule. I had already worked fewer hours for a couple of weeks before I decided to quit, and my financial situation was increasingly challenging to manage. Hurricane Harvey significantly impacted our area’s economy, and many people were struggling to make ends meet. I didn’t feel that it was fair to expect me to maintain the same quality of living while working fewer hours and making less money.
I believe that the decision to deny my unemployment benefits was unfair, and I appeal the claim determination. I ask that you please reconsider my case and approve my unemployment benefits.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
[Your Name]