Character Reference Letter for Expungement

A character reference letter can be helpful if you’re seeking to have your criminal record expunged. This letter can give the court insight into your character and explain why you deserve to keep your record sealed. If you’re unsure what to say in a character reference letter, here are some suggestions to help get you started.

A character reference letter is most useful when it’s written with your specific situation in mind. You should tailor the letter to your experiences and avoid generic language. The letter should also be addressed to the judge overseeing your case, explaining how you know the person aiming to have their record expunged. The following template can be used as a guide to writing your character reference letter.

Character Reference Letter for Expungement

Character Reference Letter for Expungement

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
The Honorable Judge [First Name Last Name]
[Address of Judge]
[City, State, Zip Code]

RE: Letter of reference for expungement

Dear Judge [Last Name],

I am writing this letter to provide a character reference for [Name], who is seeking expungement of [their] criminal record. I have known [Name] for [number] years, and I can say with confidence that [they] is a good person who has made a mistake in the past. Since I have known [them], [Name] has been a model citizen. [They] has always been respectful and law-abiding, and [they] have never been in any trouble since [their] arrest.

I believe that expunging [their] record will give [him/her] a fresh start and allow [them] to move on with [him/her] life. I hope that you will consider my opinion when making your decision.

Thank you for being so considerate.

[Your Name]

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