Letter to Break Lease Due to Safety Concerns

Does your city have a high crime rate? Are you uncomfortable walking around your neighborhood at night? If your answer is yes to either of these questions, it might be time to break your lease and move to a safer city. So when you discover that it’s unsafe to continue living now, the only option is to break the lease.

This blog post will give you an idea of writing a letter to break the lease.

Sample Letter to Break Lease Due to Safety Concerns

Letter to Break Lease Due to Safety Concerns

[Tenant Name]
[Tenant Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
Subject- Letter to Break Lease Due to Safety Concerns
[Landlord’s Name]
[Landlord’s Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Landlord’s name],

I am the tenant living in [Your Apartment number] at [Address]. Due to safety considerations, I am writing to inform you about the concluding of my lease, effective [Date 30 days from this letter]. This is because the apartment complex has been riddled with crime, and I no longer feel safe living here. There have been [Number] reports of break-ins, robberies, and assaults in the past month, and I fear it is only a point before something happens to me or my property. The complex has failed to take adequate security measures to protect its tenants, and I refuse to continue living in an environment where I do not feel safe.

I hope you will understand my decision and release me from my lease. Thank you for your time.

[Tenant Name]
[If there is any post note to be given]

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