Company Name Change Letter

If your company is in the procedure of changing its name, you’ll need to create a letter notifying your customers of the change. This letter should be professional and informative and provide your customers with all the information they need about the change. In this blog post, we’ll give you a free Company Name Change Letter Template that you can use as a starting point for constructing your letter. We’ll also provide tips for writing a successful company name change letter.

Company Name Change Letter

Company Name Change Letter

[Sender Name and Surname]
[Company Name]
[Address of the Sender]
[Email address]
[Recipient Name and Surname]
[Company Name]
[Address of the Recipient]
[Email address]

Subject: Company name change

Dear Loyal Customer,

We are excited to inform you that our company name is changing from [Old Name of Company] to [New Name of Company]. This change will be effective immediately.

As part of this transition, we want to reassure you that it will be same business as regular. Our commitment to providing the best possible products and services remains unchanged. We hope you continue to enjoy being a loyal customer!

Kind regards,
[Name Surname]

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