Daycare Termination Letter

If you’re a parent who’s had to use a daycare, then you’ve likely had to terminate daycare services. Knowing what steps to take and what kind of letter to write can be difficult. This post will help make the process easier for you by providing information on a daycare termination letter and how to write one. Just remember one thing that every situation is unique, so consult with an attorney or your state’s department of early childhood education if you have any specific questions.

Daycare Termination Letter Sample

Daycare Termination Letter

[Name of Parents or Guardian]
[Address of Parent or Guardian]
[City, State, Zip Code]


[Name of Head of Child Care Provider]
[Address of Head of Child Care Provider]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Name of Daycare Provider],

Thank you for all your hard work in caring for our child over the years. We have decided to withdraw from your services effective [Date]. This was not an easy choice, but this would be best as we are looking for a center closer to our home.

[Child’s Name] has had plenty of beautiful memories at your daycare. We will cherish all the relationships made.

Thank you for everything.

[Your Name]

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