Guest Speaker Request Letter

Asking a guest speaker to come to your event can be daunting. You want to ensure that you make the best possible case for why they should come to your event. To do this, you must write a well-crafted guest speaker request letter.

Our sample template will help you write a persuasive and professional letter that is sure to get results. When writing your letter, start by introducing yourself and your organization. Next, explain why you think the guest speaker would be a good fit for your event. Include specific examples of their work that you find particularly relevant. Finally, thank the guest speaker for their time and consideration.

By following our template, you can be confident that you are making the best possible case for why the guest speaker should come to your event. With our template, you are sure to get the results you are looking for.

Guest Speaker Request Letter

Guest Speaker Request Letter

[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Organizer Address]
[City, State, and Zip Code]
[Invitee Name]
[If applicable, Invitee Title]
[Invitee Address]
[City, State, and Zip Code]
Near [Invitee Name],

Dear [Guest Speaker Name],

Thank you for your work in [field or area of expertise]. We would be honored if you could share your knowledge with us at the [City / Country Town Name] Liquor Forum on [date] at [time] at [venue]. The [City / Country Town Name] Liquor Forum is committed to improving safety and amenity and reducing alcohol-related harm and anti-social behavior in [city, country town, or municipality name].

Your expertise in [field or area of expertise] would be invaluable to our cause. We look forward to hearing what you have to say.

Thank you for your time.

[Your Name]

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