Letter to Previous Employer for Rejoining

Everyone knows that it can be hard to find a job. But what if you’ve seen one and then, for some reason, have to leave? Maybe you had to move or take care of a family member. Or your previous employer wasn’t the right fit. No matter the reason, getting back into the workforce can be challenging after taking some time off.

If you’re considering rejoining your old company, you’ll want to write a letter to your previous employer. In this letter, you should explain why you left and how things have changed since then. You should also highlight any new skills or accomplishments you’ve achieved since leaving. Doing this will show your old employer that you’re ready to come back and still have something to offer.

Sample Letter to Previous Employer for Rejoining

Letter to Previous Employer for Rejoining

[Full Name]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Phone Number]
[Email Address]
[Name of Employer]
[Name of Business]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Re: Letter for Re-joining [Name of Business]

Dear [Name of Employer]:

I humbly request your consideration for reemployment at [Name of Business]. As you may remember, I left abruptly five years ago to care for my wife when she was diagnosed with cancer. While she has since recovered, our family has faced many financial challenges. I would be grateful for the opportunity to return to my former position.

During the last six months, while at home handling my wife, I took an online course to elevate my IT skills. I consider I obtained better skills for the job than I had when I quit. I admit my job is filled with opportunities, but I would be willing to do any other job in data processing or another department.

I can assure you that I am fully committed to meeting the demands of the job and will not let personal matters interfere with my work.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

You can be reached at [Phone Number] or by replying to this email at any time,

[Your Full Name]

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