Sample Refund Request Letter Template

When you make a purchase, sometimes you need more than what you’ve bought. If that’s the case, you may wonder how to request a refund. This letter template will make the process easier. By providing all the necessary information, you can ensure your request is handled as quickly and efficiently as possible. So, if you’re not happy with a purchase, feel free to use this refund request letter template!

Sample Refund Request Letter

Refund Request Letter-

[Name of Sender]
[Name of Company]
Subject: Requesting a refund of my payment

Dir Sir or Madam,

Please allow me to explain the situation in full. I received the [Product Name] on [Date of Delivery], and was immediately disappointed with it. The quality was far below what I had expected, and it did not meet my needs. I contacted your customer service department on [Date of Contact], and was informed that there was nothing that could be done and that I would have to return the product at my own expense. Given the poor quality of the product and the fact that I would have to pay to return it, I believe that a full refund is warranted.

I would appreciate a prompt response to this letter and would like to thank you in advance for your time and consideration. If you have any kind of questions or need further information, please contact me at [Your Contact Information].

I am really thankful for your attention to this matter.


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