Response to Negative Performance

As an employer, you may occasionally have to deal with poor performance from employees. If you have already given verbal warnings, but the issue persists, it may be the point to issue a written warning. A formal warning letter can act as a deterrent, making employees aware of the consequences of their actions and encouraging them to improve their performance. Employees sometimes need more guidance and training to develop their skills. If this is the case, you should arrange for such activities. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your employees meet your expectations and that your business is running smoothly.

Response to Negative Performance

Response to Negative Performance

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Employer’s Name]
[Employer’s Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
Dear Employer’s Name,

I hope this letter finds you in excellent health. I am writing this to you in reply to your feedback on my poor performance in the office.

I am writing to express my apologies for not meeting your expectations. I fully understand that my performance has been below par, and I will do my best to ensure that I don’t make the same mistakes in the future.

I realize that many areas could be improved, and I promise to work on these to bring my performance up to your standards. Thank you for allowing me to improve, and I hope you will see positive changes in my work going forward.

[Your Signature]
[Your Printed Name]
List of enclosures: [i.e., medical reports]

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