Warning Letter for Late Attendance

Every organization has its attendance policy. Some may have a more lenient approach, while others are stricter. Most organizations have some attendance policy to ensure employees are present simultaneously. This can help to maintain production levels and avoid disruptions in the workplace. Warning letters for late attendance are usually given to employees who consistently arrive late or have excessive absences.

The warning letter usually states the company’s attendance policy and how the employee has violated it. It will also warn the employee that if they do not improve their attendance, they may face disciplinary action, including termination. Warning letters for late attendance can effectively improve employee productivity and maintain a healthy work environment.

Below is a sample template and example of how you can write a letter to your employee for Late Attendance:

Sample Warning Letter for Late Attendance

Warning Letter for Late Attendance

[Receiver/Employee Name]
[Job Designation]
[Department name]
Subject: Warning letter for Late Coming

Dear [Mr. XXX],

It has come to my attention that you have been consistently late for work over the past month. This is a serious issue that cannot be ignored. As you know, our workplace has a strict attendance policy that requires all employees to be on time and present for their shifts. When you are late, it not only affects your work but also impacts your team’s productivity. This is not acceptable. I am issuing you a formal warning letter for your tardiness. If you are late for work again, you will face disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Please take this warning seriously and make every effort to be on time.

Thank you!
[Company Name]

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