Hardship Letter for Loss of Income

A hardship letter for loss of income is a document you can use to explain your financial situation to creditors or other organizations. This template can help you create the perfect letter to provide all of the information they need. Be sure to customize the letter to fit your specific circumstances.

Managing your finances can be challenging if you are experiencing a loss of income. A hardship letter for loss of income can help you explain your situation to creditors and other organizations. This template can help you create the perfect letter, customized for your specific circumstances.

Please remember that each situation is unique, and you may need more or less information than what is included in this template. Be sure to reach out for help if you have any questions about creating a hardship letter for loss of income.

Hardship Letter for Loss of Income

Hardship Letter for Loss of Income

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Recipient’s Name]
[Recipient’s Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
RE: Loss of Income Hardship
Dear [Name of Recipient]

I am writing to request a settlement for the medical bills I owe the hospital. As you know, I recently faced a car accident that left me with two broken legs. Unfortunately, this has resulted in a significant loss of income, as I can no longer work. While I understand that I am responsible for the debts I have incurred, I am asking for your help in resolving this matter. Given my current financial situation, I cannot pay the bill in total now.

However, I am prepared to make monthly payments of [insert amount] until the debt is paid in full. I appreciate your deliberation in this matter and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you!

[Printed Name]
[List of Enclosures]

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