Letter to Close Bank Account

There are several motives why you need to close your bank account. You may shift to a new city and need to open an account at a different bank. Or you’re unhappy with your current bank and want to switch to a new one. Whatever the reason, this letter template will help you close your account professionally and concisely. Fill out the vital information and send it off to your bank. They’ll take care of the rest!

Sample Letter to Close Bank Account

Letter to Close Bank Account

The Bank Manager
[Bank name]
[Branch name]
[Name of city/vill]

Subject: Application to close the bank account.

Dear Bank Manager,

I am writing to inform you that I have closed my bank account. I have been a customer of your bank for many years, but due to unavoidable circumstances, I will no longer be able to maintain the account. My account details are cited below:

Account Number: xxxxxxxx

Sort Code: xxxxxxx

I would be grateful if you could process my request as soon as possible and send me a confirmation once the account has been closed. Thank you for your time and cooperation.

Yours faithfully

[Address with pin code]

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