Permission Letter for Child to Travel with Grandparents

Parents entrust their children to grandparents for all sorts of reasons – for a weekend getaway, for a week at grandma’s house while the parents take a vacation, or even for more extended periods. But what if the child needs to travel outside the country or state? In these cases, the grandparents must have a letter of consent from the child’s parents. The letter should be signed by both parents and notarized by a notary public. This will ensure that the grandparents have the legal authority to travel with the child and make any decisions regarding his or her care. If the child does need to travel on a field trip, for sports, to perform in a music concert, for religious purposes, or abroad with grandparents, make sure that the proper paperwork is in order.

Sample Permission Letter for Child to Travel with Grandparents

Permission Letter for Child to Travel with Grandparents-

[Name of the Child’s Parent or Legal Guardian]
[Address of the Child’s Parent or Legal Guardian]
[City, State, Zip Code]
To Whom It May Concern:

We want to grant our son permission to travel with his grandparents, [grandparents’ names], to [Country/Countries they will be visiting]. We have been in close contact with them and are confident they will provide a safe and nurturing environment for our sons while abroad. We trust that they will take good care of him, respect his privacy, and follow our parenting guidelines. We will remain available via phone and email should any issues arise. This letter is being written as proof of our consent for them to travel with our son.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Please get in touch with us via mobile or email in case if you have any further questions.

[Signature of father]
[Printed full name of the father]
[Father’s Name: phone number, email address]
[Signature of mother]
[Printed full name of the mother]
[Mother’s Name: phone number, email address]
[Parent’s address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Notarization is needed- If the child is transiting alone and in the care of airline staff.

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