Shift Change Request Letter

If you request a shift change at your job, our free shift change request letter template can help. This template is designed to help you clearly and professionally communicate your request and includes customizable fields for all the essential details. Simply enter your information into the template and then print or send it as an email to your supervisor. With this template, requesting a shift change can be quick and easy!

Sample Shift Change Request Letter

Shift Change Request Letter

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[Letter Date]
[Employer’s Name]
[Employer’s Address]

I humbly ask for a change to my shift from [current schedule] currently working 4am-8pm, Monday – Friday. My twins will be starting school at an incompatible time with the recent workday, which makes it difficult for me as well because I need more hours home to dress them and take them offsite before dropping off their homework assignments by 5:30 each night (or earlier).

In addition, there’s also carpooling whenever possible, which can help reduce gas prices. However, all these things together still don’t allow enough free mornings/evenings relative where you live alone raising children without any other adults around who may sometimes assist, such as grandparents, aunts/uncles, etc.

I would greatly appreciate your time and understanding in this matter, as I feel it is of the utmost importance to my children’s health and well-being. I propose the following shift change to alleviate these childcare difficulties: working 2pm – 10pm, Monday through Friday. This would allow me to be more hands-on with my children in the mornings and evenings and save on childcare costs by being home with them more often.

Thank you very much for your time,

[Your name]

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