Temporary Guardianship Letter

Parents may find themselves in a situation where they need someone to take care of their children for a short period. This could be due to work commitments, illness, or other unexpected events. In these situations, it is often helpful to have a temporary guardianship letter template on hand. This document can give another person legal responsibility for your child for a specific period.

The template should include the names and contact information of the child’s parents and the guardian’s name and contact information. It should also specify the length of time that the guardianship will last. A temporary guardianship letter template can help ensure that your child is taken care of in your absence.

Temporary Guardianship Letter

Temporary Guardianship Letter

[City, State, Zip Code]


[Guardian’s Name ]
[Guardian’s Address ]
[City, State, Zip Code ]

Re: Temporary Guardianship of a minor child, Name of Child

We are very excited to get the opportunity of being a legal guardian for our son. We understand that we will not be able to make any decisions regarding his medical treatment, but only time can answer these questions now!

Please let us know if you have any concerns or advice about how best to handle such situations in the future; otherwise, please update [Name of Child]’s record with our new contact information as per below:

1) Brother/Sister (Mom & Dad): 2 Peterson Street 3, City- subdivision – Blakeney 4 State 5 zip code 60702 6 Cell Number: (847) 555-1212

2) Aunt: 1 Kelleher Drive 7, City 8 – subdivision 9 State 10 zip code 1112 Cell Number: (773) 555-2323

3) Uncle: 1 Kelleher Drive 13, City 14 – subdivision 15 State 16 zip code 1718 Cell Number: (773) 555-3434

4) Neighbor: 1 Kelleher Drive 19, City 20 – subdivision 21 State 22 zip code 2324 Cell Number: (773) 555-4545

Please update this information if any of the above contacts change in the future.
Thank you for your time,


[Your Name]

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