Sample Vacation Request Letter

If you are planning to take a vacation, you may need to request time off from work. A vacation request letter is a formal way to ask for time off from your job. In the letter, you will need to explain the dates of your planned vacation and the reason for taking time off.

Being as professional as possible when writing a vacation request letter is important. You should avoid making any personal requests or demands in the letter. Instead, focus on explaining why you need time off and what dates work best for your schedule. The following template can be used as a guide when writing your vacation request letter.

Sample Vacation Request Letter

Shift Change Request Letter

Manager’s Name
Manager’s Title
Name of Business

RE: Vacation request [Date] – [Date]

Dear [Name of Manager],

This letter explains that you are requesting one week off work to visit your family. We know all of our pending projects will be completed before then, so there’s no need for concern about them!

In addition- as long as someone else can take over what little responsibilities remain after this vacation period -they should have an easy time catching up on anything they might’ve missed while monitoring progress from afar during prior months or years.

This vacation has been planned for a long time, and we would really appreciate if you could take this opportunity to relax and recharge.


[Your Name]
List of enclosures

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