The costs can add up quickly when it comes to college spending. If you’re looking for a method to get financial assistance for your education, a letter requesting financial aid can be a great way to start. This template can help you write a letter to make your case and increase your chances of getting the funding you need. Remember, though, that there are no guarantees – but submitting this request may increase your chances of receiving help from potential sources. So, what are you waiting for? Get started today!
Letter Requesting Financial Assistance for Education
[Dean/Principal/Department Head]
[College/University name]
Sub: Application for Financial Help for Education
Respected Sir,
I have been studying in the third/final semester of session 20xx. All my semesters were passed with distinction, and I also obtained high C-GPA’s among class students [give details]. Due to universities financially crunching up on scholarships for Merit base students; they decided anew this year, namely “to meet” by giving out no more than $500 per month, which will be lessened every six months until it reaches zero dollars again if we do nothing about our request here. I hope my scholarship will continue for the next academic year as it has done for the past two years.
I have been an excellent student and have contributed to the university in many ways. I have been involved in various extracurricular activities and have held leadership positions in many of them. I have also been involved in community service and helped organize multiple campus events. I am confident I will continue to excel academically and contribute to the university in many ways.
I would be very grateful if you could consider my request and continue my scholarship for the next academic year. I promise to continue working hard and contributing to the university in any way I can.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
[Your Name]
[Subject and department name]
[College/University name]