Agreement to Pay for Car Damages

There are many things to consider when you are involved in a car accident. You have to ensure everyone is okay, exchange insurance information, and figure out what needs to be done next. One thing that may occur to you later is whether or not you need to pay for the damages to the other car. In many cases, both drivers will be responsible for paying for the damage they caused. However, there are some exceptions. Keep reading to learn more about who pays for car damages after an accident.

Agreement to Pay for Car Damages

Agreement to Pay for Car Damages

[Name of the Responsible Person]
[Address of the Responsible Person]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Name of the Injured Party]
[Address of the Injured Party]
[City, State, Zip Code]

RE: Request of payment for repairs on the damaged car

Dear Name of Injured Party

This letter demonstrates our agreement regarding payment for the damage I compelled to your car. On [Date], I supported into the side of your vehicle in the parking lot at [Address] and harmed the driver’s door. In our telephone discussion on [Date], we decided that the full and final compensation amount for the repair cost is [Amount].

I will enclose a check for this amount, made out to you, with this letter. Please let me know as soon as possible that you have received the check and the repairs have been made.

I thank you for your time and patience in dealing with this matter.

[Your Signature]
[Your Printed Name]
List Of Enclosures: [Copy of The Letter]

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