Character Reference Letter for Court

 A character reference letter should be formatted as a formal business letter and include the writer’s contact information, address, and date. The letter should also be addressed to the proper court official. The body of the letter should clarify why the writer is qualified to speak about the person’s character and include specific examples. The following template can guide you when writing your character reference letter for court.

Character Reference Letter for Court

Character Reference Letter for Court

[Referee’s name]
[ Street Address]
[City, State Zip code]
[Phone Number]

To: The Honorable judge/magistrate [Name][Name of the court house]
[ Street Address]
[City, State Zip Code]

Re: Character Reference for Court Regarding [purpose]

Your honor:

I am writing this character reference letter for [defendant’s name] who has been my [sate relationship shared with the defendant] for [duration of relationship]. During that time, I have seen [the defendant] to be[qualities/traits].

[a short paragraph on the defendant’s relevant history, such as family or job history].

When making a decision about this case, I recommend that you consider my reference letter. [Defendant’s name, [characteristics], and his/her ability to contribute positively to the community make him/her a valued member of society.

[Referee’s Signature]
[Referee’s Name]

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