Sample Eviction Letter Template

Landlords have the right to expel tenants for various reasons but must follow specific procedures. A Sample Eviction Letter Template can help landlords follow the correct methodology and provide all the necessary information to their tenants. This template can be customized to fit each situation and will provide helpful instructions on how to evict a tenant.

Sample Eviction Letter

Eviction Letter

[Tenant’s Full Name]
[Tenant’s Address]
[Tenant’s City, State, ZIP]

You are hereby notified that you have violated the terms of your lease or rental agreement by [cite the noncompliance]: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

on the following described property:

[Insert address of leased premises, including city, state, ZIP, and county.]

If you do not comply with this notice within 7 days, your lease or rental agreement will be deemed terminated, and you will have to vacate the premises. If you continue to act in the same manner within 12 months, your tenancy will be terminated without being allowed to cure the noncompliance.

[Landlord’s Signature]
[Landlord’s Address]
[Landlord’s Telephone Number]

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