Lease Renewal Letter

Are you looking for a new apartment? If so, you’ll want to write a lease renewal letter to your current landlord. This letter is essential to help you secure the best possible deal on your next lease. In this post, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to write a renewal letter and highlight some key points to keep in mind. So, whether you’re renewing your lease for another year or negotiating a new lease agreement, read on for tips and advice to help make the process as smooth as possible.

Lease Renewal Letter Sample

Lease Renewal Letter

[Landlord’s Name]
[Landlord’s Address]
[Landlord’s City, State]
[Landlord’s Zip]

Dear [Name of Landlord],

This letter is a standard request to restore the lease on the possessions at the above address for another year. The current lease lapses on [Date], and I would like to restore it until [Date].

I am enclosing a check for the first month’s rent of [Amount] and a security deposit of [Amount]. I respectfully request that you not raise my rent for the latest lease, as I am not doing a job and living on my wife’s wages. I hope to have a unique position within the next few months.

I appreciate your consideration in this matter. In case of any questions, please contact me at [Phone Number].

Signature of Tenant
Printed Name of Tenant

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